Choosing the Perfect Finish for Your Home

Ryan M. Grambart
Founder & CEO - CopperSmith
Ryan M. Grambart

Polished Patina

The high shine of the polished patina is perfect if you want to bring some light into any space in your home. Its reflective quality means that it can be a good choice for a smaller space, where you might want to maximize how big the room feels by increasing the light. It won't dominate the space too much and it will add some liveliness and vibrancy.

Fire or Tuscan Patina

By mixing different shades, you get the best of both worlds. If you find the shiny surface of polished patina a bit too uniform, a fine or Tuscan patina is the answer. Every piece is unique, so you know you're getting something that's like no other copper out there. And the finish will continue to grow and change as it gets older, creating a piece that remains unique and evolves with your home.

fire patina

Rustic or Aged Patina

When you want to bring in some drama or some darker elements to your decor, a rustic or aged patina will help you to achieve the effect you want. It's a great option for heavy industrial interiors or creating a moody atmosphere. Equally, if you wanted to create an overall lighter feel in a room, a rustic patina feature, such as a table, could be a focal point that draws the eye.

Things to Consider When Selecting the Perfect Copper Patina

Understanding the different levels of patina that are available is one important step, but it's also essential to consider exactly what you want when buying any copper items. Whether you only want to add a little copper to accent your interiors or you want more of a heavy copper theme, there are different patinas and finishes to suit your vision. Here are some of the factors you might want to think about when selecting the right patina for the copper features you're considering.

Light and Shade

One of the major things that will be influenced by your choice of patina is the levels of light and shade it provides. This is something to think about in the context of your interiors as a whole, and what type of effect you might be going for. For example, maybe you're working with a slightly smaller space and want to maximize what space you have available. When you're trying to create a bright and airy room that appears bigger than it is, you might want to avoid darker shades and choose more reflective polished copper. But if you want to add some darker elements for a striking contrast or to create a cozy atmosphere, an aged patina could be the right choice for you.

Your Overall Interior Style

Of course, it makes sense to consider your overall interior style when you're choosing a copper patina. Some styles are more suited to certain finishes if you want to get the right look and feel. For example, maybe you've chosen an art deco theme for one or more rooms in your home. Both brass and copper are great metals to use for this interior style, helping to lend that luxury look (gold and silver shades are great too). You might want to go with a polished patina for this trend so that it will deliver the glamorous look that you want.

The Item You're Buying

Another thing to think about is what exactly you're choosing to buy in copper. Some copper furniture and features might look better in certain patinas, depending on their size, shape, and the overall look that you want. A small coffee table might look fantastic in a bright polished copper, while a dining table could look great in a Tuscan patina if you're looking for something more dramatic. It's also important to think about other elements, such as the base of your table. How will you match the copper tabletop to the base you want?

The Future

Looking ahead to the future can help you to choose the right patina for your copper items too. Do you want a copper finish that won't change a lot, or are you looking for something that will continue to age and evolve as it gets older? You can protect and care for copper to affect how it ages, and the environment it's in will also have an effect on the changes you see. Considering how copper can age, as well as your wishes for what your home will look like in the future is smart. Copper lasts a long time, so whatever you choose could be there for years or even decades. You also may want to consider a stove hood or vent for your kitchen! 

February 21, 2017