What Is The Safest Fire Pit?

Ryan M. Grambart
Founder & CEO - CopperSmith
Ryan M. Grambart

gas fire pit

A fire pit is a fabulous addition to our gardens. On a cool evening, it can bring warmth and comfort. In the hot summer months, it can provide ambiance and relaxation when sitting outside with our family and friends. It is not just about the warmth that it gives off, but the warm and comforting glow. They can be used all year round, making your garden a true extension of your home.

However, when you are choosing a fire pit for your garden, it is important to choose one that is safe. Anything that gives off heat and has a flame is going to pose a hazard, but if you choose your fire pit from a reputable place like CopperSmith and make the right choices around your fire pit, you will be able to enjoy it safely.

Understanding fire pit safety

While you will want to enjoy all the captivating warmth and coziness from the fire pit, you need to be aware of the dangers involved. Here, we will take a look at some of the risks so that you can take steps to have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Open flames

By their very nature, fire pits involve an open flame, and this introduces the risk of accidental fires if you are not careful. Sparks from the fires can set nearby trees, plants, fences, and furniture. For this reason, you need to make sure that it is at least three meters away from anything that can catch fire. Before you use your fire pit, check the local weather forecast. If it is windy, it is a good idea to avoid using your fire pit as it can blow burning embers which can be a fire hazard.

You should also keep a bucket of water or a garden hose nearby just in case things do get out of control. Thanks to the safety mechanisms on the firepits from World Copper Smith, this is unlikely but is still a possibility. It is also important to never leave a fire pit unattended. As soon s you have finished using it, put the fire out carefully.

Toxic fume emissions

If you are burning wood or other sources of fuel in your fire pit, you may be inadvertently releasing toxic fumes into the air, such as carbon monoxide. This is why propane and natural gas fire pits are the safest - we will get to that momentarily. Carbon monoxide is very difficult to detect - it has no smell or color, and can cause immense harm, or even be fatal if breathed in. It is important to make sure that the area you are using your fire pit is suitably ventilated to stop these fumes from building up.

Potential for injuries and burns

Because of the intense heat generated by a fire pit, there is the risk of burns and other injuries. This can be caused by flying sparks, not handling the fire pit tools carefully, and tripping and falling in and around the fire pit. Make sure that you keep children and animals away from the fire pit, don’t drink alcohol or take anything that is likely to impair your senses, and be sensible around the fire pit.

gas fire pits

The Importance of Choosing A Safe Fire Pit

When you are choosing a fire pit for your garden, safety should be of paramount importance. After all, will you really be able to enjoy it if you are worried about things going wrong?

Reduce risks of injuries and accidents.

Safe fire pits from CopperSmith are designed with features to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, These include flame guards, quality construction, and being made out of copper - a heat-resistant material to prevent sparks from flying out. They will also not tip over and ensure that the surface remains cool to the touch.

Comply with safety regulations

Choosing a safe fire pit will mean that you are compliant with the safety regulations that your local area may have set out. These requirements could include things like keeping it a certain distance from combustible materials, storing fuel correctly, and proper ventilation. By choosing a fire pit that meets or exceeds these regulations, you will not only protect yourself and the people around you but avoid any potential legal issues.

Propane fire pits: a safe option

Propane fire pits are generally considered one of the safest options. Let’s take a look at some of the features that make them a good choice.

1.   They have a convenient and controllable flame.

One of the biggest hazards of traditional wood-burning fire pits is the unpredictability of the flame. However, with a propane fire pit, you have a much greater degree of control over the flame. Using the controls, you can choose how intense you want the flame, and it gives you instant ignition. This means that you do not have to deal with flammable materials, which in turn reduces the risk of burns and accidental fires.

2.   Safety mechanisms, such as thermocouples and gas shut-off valves

Propane fire pits come with a range of safety mechanisms that improve their safety. One of the features is a thermocouple, which will recognize when a pilot flame is present. If the flame goes out, the thermocouple will automatically close down the gas supply, which stops propane from being released. They also have gas shut-off valves, which enable them to be quickly and easily turned off if there is an emergency or the fire pit is no longer in use.

3.   Quick and easy to extinguish

Extinguishing a propane fire pit is easy. You simply need to turn off the gas supply. This prevents you from having to wait for the fire to burn out by itself, reducing the risk of accidental fires and allowing you to finish your evening quickly and safely.

Benefits of a propane fire pit

As well as their safety features, propane fire pits offer a range of benefits that make them a great choice for people looking for outdoor warmth and coziness. Let’s take a look at some of them.

They are portable

The biggest benefit of a propane fire pit is the fact they are portable, meaning you can take them with you to different areas of your garden or even take them along if you go to the beach or camping. This is because they do not require a permanent gas line, like natural gas fire pits. Because of this portability, you can have that cozy ambiance wherever you want.

You don’t need a permanent gas line connection.

Propane fire pits work by using propane gas cylinders, which means that you do not need a permanent gas line connection. This leads to the flexibility and portability that we mentioned above, as well as allowing you to enjoy all the benefits of a fire pit even if you do not have access to a natural gas line.

Stylish designs

Propane fire pits from CopperSmith come in a range of beautiful and stylish designs, both in brass and copper. Whether you prefer something traditional or modern, there is a design for you.

The common concerns and misconceptions about propane fire pits

Not convinced by the safety and usability of propane fire pits? Don’t worry - let’s address some of the concerns and misconceptions that you may have.

Their safety

Safety has been one of the key things we have mentioned in this article, but many people are still unsure as to the safety of propane tanks. However, the propane tanks used in fire pits come with built-in safety features, such as pressure relief valves and overfill protection devices. If you choose a reputable propane supplier, they can advise you on the safe handling and storage of propane tasks. By following these guidelines, propane tanks are perfectly safe to use.

Environmental impact and carbon emissions

Many people rightly worry about the environmental impact and carbon emissions of propane fire pits. Propane is a fossil fuel, but it is generally considered a cleaner alternative compared to other fuel sources. It emits fewer pollutants, reducing the harmful impacts on air quality. There have also been considerable advancements in propane production, including using renewable propane.

Installation and maintenance

For all fire pits, careful installation and maintenance are important to get the best out of it. Make sure you follow the instructions set out by the manufacturer, and if you are not sure, ask a professional, especially when connecting it to the propane tank. You need to check it regularly, too, looking for leaks, looking at the burners, and cleaning the components. This will make it work better and be safer.

What about natural gas fire pits?

If propane fire pits aren’t your thing, perhaps a natural gas fire is. They are an equally safe alternative to propane fire pits. Let’s take a look at some of the safety features of them.

Consistent and reliable fuel source

Natural gas fire pits have a permanent connection to a natural gas line. This means that you never have to worry about filling up propane tanks or running out of fuel and the most inconvenient moments, so you get uninterrupted enjoyment out of your fire pit. Because natural gas is easily accessible and available, it is a dependable and convenient option for the warmth and ambiance a fire pit delivers.

Gas regulation and flame control

Natural gas fire pits come with built in safety features to give you complete control over the flame and gas. These include things like gas pressure regulators, gas flow control valves, and flame sensors. This helps to keep the flame controlled and consistent, stopping the flame from flaring up or sudden blasts of gas. Because you can control the flame, you can adjust the height and intensity of the fire, making it a much safer and enjoyable experience.

What are some of the advantages of a natural fire gas pit?

outdoor fire pit

So we have looked at why natural gas fire pits are a safer option, but what are the other benefits of having a natural gas fire pit in your garden?

Cost-effective and environmentally friendly

When compared to propane and other fuel sources, natural gas is a pretty cheap fuel source, which is something everything is looking for. The cost of natural gas tends to be more stable than propane, which over time, will save you significant amounts of money. Not only that, but natural gas is thought to be a clean-burning fuel, so it produces less in the way of emissions and has less of an impact on the environment. If you are looking for something that aligns with your eco-friendly values, a natural gas fire pit from CopperSmith is a great choice.

You don’t need to store propane tanks or refuel them

One of the biggest advantages of natural gas fire pits is that because they are connected to a permanent gas line, you do not need to worry about storing propane tanks or refueling. It gets rid of the need to keep an eye on fuel levels or go out to refill propane tanks - which often happens at the most inconvenient of times!

Easy to use

Natural gas fire pits are incredibly easy to use. Once they have been installed, they are a permanent fixture in your garden, giving you unlimited enjoyment whenever you want. You can control the flame simply by flicking a switch or turning a knob, and you don’t have to deal with propane tanks or other fuel sources, reducing the chance of you having an accident.

The common concerns and misconceptions about natural gas fire pits

Many people are unsure about natural gas fire pits and how practical they are in use. Let’s see if we can clear up some of these common concerns and misconceptions around them.


A common concern surrounds the installation of natural gas fire pits. It does generally require professional installation to make sure it is properly and safely connected to your gas line. Of course, this does cost a little more, but it also means you can rest assured knowing it is safe and properly installed. The last thing you want to be doing is messing about with gas connections if you don’t know what you are doing.


If you want to move your fire pit around, then a natural gas burner is probably not the best choice for you - a propane one would be. Natural gas fire pits are generally meant to be a permanent fixture as they are connected to a gas supply. That’s not to say that they can’t be moved, but it is typically more difficult.

Accessibility of natural gas

While the availability of natural gas can vary depending on location, it is usually available in most residential areas. You do need to do your research first to make sure it is accessible in your area, and if it isn’t, you might want to consider propane instead.

CopperSmith Fire Pits

 CopperSmith offers a huge range of sustainable and beautiuflly-crafted fire pits which can be fully custmized to your needs. Available in a wide choice of shapes and styles, they can be crafted from copper or brass, making a safe and unique addition to your outdoor area.

Copper allows heat to be conducted and distributed more evenly than other metals, making it a more efficient and effective way of heating. It also is ideal for withstanding the elements, so you don’t need to worry about packing up your fire pit every time it rains. In fact, over time, a copper fire pit will change hue, making your fire pit truly unique and a talking point at every gathering. This process is called patina and is completely natural. However, if you want it to stay the same color as when you first had it, it is easy to prevent by using a tarp or protective color.

The copper fire pits from CopperSmith come in a range of stylish shapes that will look great in any outdoor space, whether you opt for propane powered or natural gas. When you opt for a CopperSmith fire pit, our team of designers can walk you through the design process, so you can choose the size, cover, gas type, ignition and finish. Order free samples to get an eye for the materials and use our 3D configurator to design it to your precise specifications.

Copper has an high melting point and is incredibly durable. It is unlikely to warp, crack or dent, and can withstand high temperatures, which is also a key safety issue. It heats up quickly and retains it’s warmth for long periods of time, keeping you warm and cozy during your evening of relaxing and entertaining.

Fire pits from CopperSmith are a great investment for your outdoor space. They are safe, easy to use and look great. For more information on safe fire pit or finding your ideal vent hood from CopperSmith and to start designing your perfect fire pit, get in touch with us today

December 6, 2023